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A 12-week live course that teaches behavioral scientists how to assess company culture and prescribe interventions. 

Make Work BETTER.

 Learn how to improve company cultures by prescribing data-driven interventions.

In this 12-week course, you’ll learn how to use behavioral science principles to enhance the employee experience, promote inclusion, and drive positive organizational outcomes. 


(Broken into 3 monthly payments of $120)

GROUP STARTS: September 25th, 2024 

LIVE SESSIONS: Wednesdays 

Eastern: 5:30 - 6:30 pm EST
4:30 - 5:30 pm CST
3:30 - 4:30 pm MST
2:30 - 3:30 pm PST

Earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

Approved BACB ACE Provider


Upon completing the entire 12-week course, you'll receive: 
10 general CEUs

2 Supervision CEUs

2 Ethics CEUs


Kristyn Peterson, PhD, BCBA, LBA, CWP

CEO & Founder, Moralis Machina  

Kristyn is a behaviorist with a penchant for data science, economics, and corporate culture



In a nutshell? 

We're behavioral scientists on a mission to make corporate culture less toxic and more top-notch. 

Come find out how to make real waves in the work place. 


Here are a few of the discoveries you'll make during the course: 

Pinpoint the weaknesses in a company culture that stop them from achieving their goals with a 5-step, science-backed process.

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When you learn how to use the

Performance Diagnostic Checklist, you'll be able to design interventions tailored to your company's unique needs.
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Foster trust with leaders and increase your influence by presenting data in a way that speaks to non-behaviorists.

Get our system for breaking down your people data down so you can easily lift useful insights from non-quantifiable variables. 

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If you want an impossible task, try changing corporate cultures without leadership buy-in. Learn how to tie behavior problems to specific KPIs so leadership is on board.

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Learn 10 structured, evidence-based supervisory approaches which will help you tailor your interventions to the needs of the company.

Don’t be blindsided by resistance to change. Instead, we’ll teach you the skills to prepare for it, navigate it, and overcome it. 

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When you learn empirically supported data collection methods, you'll be able to spot trends, find correlations, and prescribe the right interventions.
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Use behavioral data and analytics to
inform strategic decisions, creating a
culture of continuous improvement and innovation.


Want to know what it's like to take a course with us? 

Check out this short clip from "Week 4: Mission Vision Values" where we discuss the concept of cultural selection in company culture, & how our personal values layer into the mix. 
Write your awesome label here.


As a BCBA it was really refreshing to learn new material. This course was a safe space for me to get my feet wet with learning the spaces OBM can implement change. The course had clear content and a nice flow; I would recommend this course truly to anyone who needs a new perspective.
- C. D. 
The Company Culture Group was a fantastic experience and learned so much about company values and cultural change. Kristyn created excellent course materials, including PowerPoints, supplemental readings, and handouts which aided in my learning. The group activities provided an excellent application of the weekly material. Additionally, the group content was accessible for a wide range of learners, including those starting their careers in behavior analysis to those who have been board certified for years and looking to gain new competencies. Kristyn did an excellent job of tailoring the conversation and provide real-world examples to further facilitate learning opportunities.
- C. N. 
My experience with the 12 week OBM CEU classes was better than I could imagine. In the class engagement about topics is encouraged. In learning these new concepts, having the space to share and relate your experiences/ideas to fully grasp the topic was my favorite. A surprising element of these classes since they are 12 weeks long, you are able to build relationships with others as well as the instructor. This allowed the learning experience to be something I looked forward to weekly. The material was broken down todigestible sizes while still including room for practice activities. The instructor Kristyn, is a great listener, eager to share knowledge and very helpful. Her experience in applied behavior analysis and OBM in a different setting and being able to pick her brain about it, is well worth it. I loved my experience so much i took two 12 week group classes. I'm sure I'll be back for any future topics. Highly recommend CEU topics with Moralis Machina.
- B. M. 


Here are the basic themes we'll cover in each segment. 


How long is the course? 

It runs for 12 consecutive weeks, on the same day and time each week. Each meeting is 60 minutes!

How many CEUs will I get? 

14 CEUs total, if you complete all 12 weeks.

Who is this course for? 

This course is for behavior analysts who are interested in learning how to create kinder, safer workplaces. If you're interested in how to change company culture to have happier employees - it may be a great fit for you!

Are there any pre-requisite skills needed? 

We'd rate the difficulty of this content as "intermediate" for behavior analysts. Having a solid understanding of basic behavioral principles is necessary. Our courses are fast-paced, but we provide lots of resources to help fill any gaps you have!

What if I'm not BACB certified? 

That's okay! We have lots of participants who aren't BACB certified. If you're not certified, you'll receive a certificate of completion in lieu of CEUs. 

What if I have to miss a week? 

We get it! Life comes up, and sometimes it's hard to know what tomorrow looks like. If you have to miss a week, you have the ability to complete the content asynchronously and still maintain the total number of CEUs.